var $_l = new Object(); $_l["infoDelete"]='The QR Code has been deleted!'; $_l["infoBulkDelete"]='The QR Codes have been deleted!'; $_l["infoDeleteLandingpage"]='The landing page has been deleted!'; $_l["infoReset"]='Tracking data has been deleted!'; $_l["confirmDelete"]='Delete {0} & its tracking data?'; $_l["confirmDeleteTracking"]='Delete tracking data of {0}?'; $_l["labelOk"]='OK'; $_l["labelCancel"]='Cancel'; $_l["labelDelete"]='Delete'; $_l["confirmDeleteBulk"]='Really delete all QR Codes with Bulk Name {0}?'; $_l["confirmResetBulk"]='Really delete all Tracking Date from Bulk {0}?'; $_l["confirmDeleteBulkCampaign"]='Delete all QR Codes imported on {0}?'; $_l["confirmDeleteBulkProducts"]='Really delete all products imported on {0}?'; $_l["decimalRequired"]='Please enter a decimal value'; $_l["confirmDeleteFolder"]='Do you really want to delete this folder? Objects in that folder are moved to the root folder.'; $_l["infoFolderDeleted"]='The folder was deleted.'; $_l["infoFolderArchived"]='The folder has been archived.'; $_l["infoFolderUnArchived"]='The folder has been removed from the archive.'; $_l["cirlceReferenceHint"]='Circle Reference detected. Cannot assign an existing Vanity URL as target URL'; $_l["user_delete_unique_ids"]='Delete Unique Ids for this coupon?'; $_l["device_sync_remove"]='Do you really want to remove the device?'; $_l["device_sync_removed"]='The device has been removed.'; $_l["confirmvouchercreate"]='If you create a batch, your quota will be reduced by {0}. This cannot be undone. Do you want to continue?'; $_l["url_does_not_exist"]='Caution: The URL "{0}" is not available publicly reachable.'; $_l["user_name_updated"]='The name has been updated successfully!'; $_l["user_gps_is_off"]='GPS is off'; $_l["user_gps_is_on"]='GPS is on'; $_l["filter"]='Filter'; $_l["menu_admin_charts"]='Statistics';